Thursday 17 November 2011

Moses Bridge - Sungai Terbelah???

No, your eyes are not deceiving you - the waters have indeed parted! This incredible “sunken”
bridge located in the Netherlands is giving visitors a unique way to access a beautiful 17th Century
Dutch fort. Designed by RO & AD Architects, the Moses Bridge literally parts the waters that surround
the fort, allowing pedestrians to pass through. The bridge is made from sustainable Accsys
Technologies Accoya wood, which is both FSC and PEFC certified.

A series of moats and fortresses were built over the West Brabant Water Line region of the
Netherlands during the 17th century in order to provide protection from invasion by France and Spain.
Fort de Roovere was surrounded with a shallow moat that was too deep to march across, and too
shallow for boats. In turn the earthen fort had remained protected –until now.

From afar, the Moses Bridge is invisible to the eye. The flow of the moat appears continuous, as
the water level remains at the same level, reflecting the surrounding foliage. As visitors approach the fort,
the bridge appears as a break in the water with its sloping walls containing it.

First lying flush with the earth, the bridge then descends deeper into the ground. Lined with wood
sheet piling for walls, the deck and stairs sit between. The bridge and its components have been
made from sustainable hardwood that is Cradle to Cradle Gold certified. The Accoya wood is
also treated with a nontoxic coating, protecting it from fungal decay and increasing its durability —
an ideal material for a sunken bridge. Like a dam, the walls of the bridge hold the waters of the
moat back, and like Moses, the bridge parts the waters so that pedestrians may pass.

The Moses Bridge gives visitors a unique opportunity to pass through parted waters, to eventually
meet a historic fortress of defense.

63 Tips Hubungan Kekal Lama

1. Doa yang berterusan.

2. Patuh ajaran agama.
3. Murah dengan pujian.
4. Murah dengan khidmat.
5. Murah dengan BELAIAN dan romance.
6. Murah dengan SENTUHAN.
7. Mencari KEBAIKAN pasangan.
8. Cari masa berkomunikasi/berbual/ bergurau.
9. Cari kebaikan dan pembaikan diri daripada setiap pertengkaran.
10. Menghormati had/sempadan/hal-hal peribadi pasangan.
11. Menilai diri daripada perspektif pasangan.
12. Berfikiran terbuka — boleh TEGUR MENEGUR.
13. Berani mengambil risiko emosi — tegur/perubahan/berpisah sementara.
14. Menilai dan membetulkan keutamaan (priority) dalam kehidupan.
15. Flexible/tolak ansur.
16. Menghormati dan mengambil kira “gerak batin” (intuition) perempuan.
17. Tidak mengejar kebendaan semata-mata.
18. Sedar bahawa perselisihan kekadang tidak boleh dielakkan.
19. Mengubah diri untuk merangsang perubahan pada pasangan.
20. Sanggup berkorban buat pasangan.
21. Menghormati pasangan.
22. Berasa amat beruntung (dan nyatakan) mendapat pasangan yang ada.
23. Perhubungan seksual yang sihat dan diredhai.
24. Menghormati perbezaan dalam diri pasangan.
25. Sentiasa BERMAAFAN sebelum tidur.
26. Sentiasa bersangka baik terhadap masa depan.
27. Meletakkan HAK kepada pasangan.
28. Tidak menjadi HAMBA kepada pasangan.
29. Berubah secara kecilan untuk meningkatkan kebahagiaan.
30. Mengawal marah. Buat perjanjian.
31. Mencari penyelesaian menang-menang.
32. Muhasabah hubungan untuk mencari punca masalah.
33. Menghormati sifat semulajadi pasangan.
34. Memahami peranan “pasangan” (13 P).
35. Emotional intercourse.
36. Janga simpan ketidakpuasan/sedih/marah/ benci dalam hati.
37. Bentuk KOD-KOD kasih sayang yang anda 2 orang saja yang tahu.
38. Sengaja merancang untuk memperbaiki hubungan suami isteri.
39. 7 kali puji dan 1 teguran.
40. Sebut “I Love You” all the time.
42. Sentiasa berterus terang.
43. Beri masa untuk perubahan berlaku — SABAR.
44. Elakkan berdebat untuk mencari kebenaran.
45. Elakkan SALAHKAN pasangan.
46. Cari titik pertemuan.
47. Selesaikan masalah hari ini pada hari ini juga.
48. Lebih banyak memberi daripada menerima.
49. Minta nasihat/pandangan/maklum balas daripada pasangan.
50. Sentiasa bersemangat — bangun tidur, pergi kerja, balik kerja dan sebagainya.
51. Seimbangkan hubungan daripada segi
- Emosi
52. Jangan berjauhan terlalu lama (kecuali terpaksa):
53. Tidak terlalu mengongkong.
54. Tidak bertindak bersendirian.
55. Memberi peluang untuk berbeza
- Pendapat/pandangan
- Hobi
- Kegemaran
- Makanan
- Citarasa
- Warna pilihan
- Dan sebagainya
56. Humor/lawak dari maxa ke masa.
57. Minta bantuan untuk memecahkan kitaran negatif.
58. Berwawasan dan pandang ke depan (tidak terjebak dengan masalah semasa).
59. Tidak meminta yang bukan-bukan.
60. Bentuk undang-undang/peraturan dalam rumah tangga.
61. Mencari kelainan dan perubahan positif.
62. Elakkan mendera pasangan dengan apa cara sekalipun.
63. Redha/syukur/tawakkal kepada Allah s.w.t.

apa2 pun yg penting kita terima semua seadanya dan bersyukur dgn rahmat dan jodoh yg telah ditentukan olehNYA….

8 Impressive Giant Vegetables From Around The World

The Colossal Cabbage

Graham Tranter will have a near lifetime’s supply of vegetable soup – after growing this
colossal cabbage weighing 31.7 Kg (69.8 lbs). The monster vegetable, grown by Graham,
is 50 times heavier than average and would be enough for 300 servings of cabbage soup.

World’s Biggest Ever Onion

Peter Glazebrook set a new record for the world’s biggest ever onion. The monster
vegetable tipped the scales at 17lbs 15 and a half ounces – breaking the previous world
record of 16lbs 8.37 ounces held by John Sifford, of the West Midlands, since 2005.

The 392kg Giant Pumpkin

Ken Ryan has just smashed his own record with this 392kg giant gourd, beating his
previous mark – which has stood for eight years – by 122.8kg.

World’s Biggest Potato
A Lebanese farmer grew what may be the world’s largest potato – weighing in at an
impressive 25 pounds. The farmer couldn’t believe his peeled eyes when he discovered
he had grown a massive potato weighing 11.3 kilos (24.9 pounds), he said, adding that
he now hopes to enter the Guinness World Records book.

The 10 Kg Radishes

Nissan Tamir found that two of his radishes had grown non-stop, each eventually weighing 10kg.

The £165,000 White Truffle

Luciano Savini and his son found the highly-prized fungus after it was dug up by his
truffle dog near Pisa, northern Italy. The fungus turned out to be the largest and most
expensive in decades. The 1.5kg white truffle was sold for £165,000!.

The Giant 51 Kg Marrow

Gardener Phillip Vowles and his son Andrew with a giant 51 kg marrow grown in Llanharry,
south Wales. Phillip must have thought he was on to a winner when he unearthed
this monster marrow, but he’d been pipped to the world record by 1lb.

Giant White Mushrooms

Rong Guiling, a mushroom farmer from Gongcheng in southern China has more than 10
fields of giant white mushrooms of all different species. Guiling says: “It’s hard to find a
mushroom which is less than 2kg (4.4 lbs) However, when I bought the spores the person
said they were for normal little white mushrooms.” Local agricultural experts say the
mushrooms’ size could possibly be down to the fertilizer she uses, which includes lotus seed
shell powder, peanut powder and maize powder.