This is a picture of the famous Gharqad tree (or Boxthorn tree in English) that will not speak out to the Muslim in the battles towards the end of time with the Jews.
Our Prophet Muhammad
said in a famous hadith:
“Judgment Day will come only when the Muslims fight the Jews and kill them, until the Jew hides behind the tree and the stone, and the tree and the stone say: ‘Oh Muslim, oh servant of Allah, there is a Jew behind me, come and kill him’ – except for the Gharqad tree.”
I found an interesting transcription of a conversation about this hadith that I thought I would share
with you:
Khaled Al-Qudha: The decisive battle between the Jews and us will take place on the Jordan River,
willing. This is inevitable. This is a hadith of the Prophet, who does not talk idly.
Khaled Al-Qudha: Of course. “Until the Jew hides…” – because, as is well known, the Jews only
fight from behind walls, when they are hiding. They don’t fight face to face. That’s why the tree and the stone will talk and say things.
Host: The hadith says: “The Muslims will kill them…” So this will be a victory of the Muslims.
Khaled Al-Qudha: Yes, and an overwhelming defeat for all the Jews, Allah
at all difficult for Allah
This battle will take place. It is inevitable. Even if we go to Oslo, and so on, the battle must take place.
The Jews know this, and that’s why they plant a lot of Gharqad trees. They know the hadith.
‘Ali Al-Faqir: They surround their settlements with Gharqad trees.
That explains all those Gharqad trees, but what of the stones and trees talking? Is this to be interpreted literally?
‘Ali Al-Faqir: One may ask: “How can a tree possibly talk? The hadith means that we should fight them
with sticks and stones.” This is not true. We either accept these things as fact or as a metaphor. If you
cannot accept it as a fact then it’s a metaphor. As long as it is impossible to accept the facts…
But brothers, the Prophet has told us that the time will come when man will talk without using his voice –
the cell-phone, the cordless phone. This cordless phone – where did it come from? From the earth.
Plastic comes from petroleum. The wires, the iron, and the copper – where do they come from? From the earth. Furthermore, some communication devices are now made of wood. It is not impossible that
“the tree and the stone will speak” refers to the advanced scientific instruments that warn you about
people. Today you have, for example, early warning stations in Sinai. Early warning stations exist in the Golan. They give the Israelites information about the other side’s movements.
Host: Sir, this is if we interpret (the hadith) metaphorically. But isn’t it possible that the tree and stone will actually talk? That the tree itself will talk, and the stone itself will talk?
‘Ali Al-Faqir: Sir, it has been proven scientifically that the trees and the stones have languages of their own. But we don’t have the ability to invent the instruments that will convey the tree’s voice and the stone’s voice to us.
Science has progressed so much that there are instruments that are placed in gardens. The plant produces certain waves, which are received by the instrument, and the plant says: “I am thirsty, water me, I am sick, heal me.”
It would be a very interesting study to see how many of these trees have been planted in Occupied Palestine by the Yahood.
Pokok Gharqad adalah pokok African Boxthorn, dari keluarga Solanaceae. Ia sejenis pokok yang berduri dan mempunyai dahan yang berjalin-jalin. Dikategorikan sebagai beracun, dan buahnya seperti buah tomato, tetapi kecil dan hanya berdiameter 1 cm sahaja. Daun nya bewarna hijau muda. Bunganya kecil dan berwarna putih dengan tompok-tompok ungu.
Nama Arabnya adalah Awsaj tetapi lebih popular dengan nama Gharqad di kalangan orang-orang Arab.
Di dalam laman web JewishNational Fund, terdapat maklumat di mana kerajaan Israel menyediakan satu dana khas untuk penanaman pokok. Dana kebangsaan khas ini bertujuan untuk menghijaukan bumi dan tujuan paling utama adalah mencari tanah untuk puak-puak Yahudi ini tinggal.
Laman ini juga menyatakan mereka telah berjaya menanam sebanyak 220 juta pokok dan projek-projek lain. Penanaman pokok Gharqad ini adalah satu dari agenda kempen menghijaukan bumi ini dan kempen ini berkumandang di seluruh dunia bagi mengaburi agenda mereka di Palestin.
Kempen Kerajaan haram Israel "Projek Menghijaukan bumi"
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